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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Curriculum Statement


At Christ the King, we provide an ambitious curriculum that provides high quality learning experiences for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with SEND (Equality Act 2010: guidance - GOV.UK ( Our thoughtfully crafted curriculum, underpinned by sound pedagogy, is designed to provide a broad and balanced education which is both progressive and sequential with clear start and end points from EYFS to Year 6. This provides pupils with the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare them for their future lives. Our approach to learning is rooted in our mission statement ‘God’s kingdom we will build for our lives to be fulfilled’ and provides experiences and opportunities that enrich and enhance the spiritual and developmental needs of all of our pupils. 

We are committed to meeting the requirements of the primary National Curriculum underpinned by our Gospel Virtues and British Values.



At Christ the King we want our children to experience:

  • a broad and balanced curriculum for all
  • an exciting curriculum that will inspire children to nurture a passion for learning and the risk involved to ensure grit, resilience and confidence when tackling and extending their own learning independently
  • a curriculum where prior knowledge provides the anchor for their future deeper knowledge and learning opportunities
  • where learning is linked through experiences, conversations and connections which unite the world around us
  • the practising of skills is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build upon previous learning so that they become embedded, ensuring that children are secure before learning is moved on
  • academic success, creativity and problem solving, reliability, responsibility and resilience
  • a curriculum that focuses on physical development, well-being and mental health to support the development of the whole child and promotes a positive attitude to life and learning
  • a celebration of diversity and cultural capital that utilises the skills, knowledge and cultural wealth of the community while supporting the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development this is supported by the teaching of our Gospel Virtues and British Values
  • our school curriculum is rooted in all pupils acquiring the deeper knowledge and skills needed to take advantage of the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences presented to them in later life






Our curriculum will be implemented with our intent, as stated above, being the driver behind our practice.  Our whole school team approach strengthens our mission, ethos and vision as we work together to reflect upon our curriculum and share outcomes driving forward the next steps. Learning is measured through careful analysis of application of skills and knowledge across the curriculum. 

  • our curriculum intent is implemented throughout all subjects and curriculum activities ensuring a broad and balanced learning experience is provided for every child at Christ the King (for more details on year group topics please see either the year group overviews below or subject overviews)
  • clear strategic planning allows the curriculum to be unique, adapting it to our school and our children’s needs, including those with additional needs.
  • teachers have sound subject knowledge and leaders provide effective support where needed
  • teaching is underpinned by sound pedagogy using Rosenshine’s Principles in Action -  this is designed to help learners know more and remember more.
  • always having high expectations in all areas enables the best possible outcomes and learning journey for all pupils
  • across all subject areas we demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary and develop strong cross-curricular links 
  • the curriculum is accessible for SEND pupils to ensure equality of opportunity, whilst taking account of pupil's individual needs (SEND | Christ the King Catholic Primary School (



We are all on a learning journey together and because of this, our staff continually reflect on the impact of our teaching and curriculum through assessments, surveys (including parent and pupil voice), discussions, learning walks and a range of monitoring. Governors work alongside the school leadership team to monitor, evaluate and challenge how the intent and implementation of the curriculum is reflected in the teaching and learning at Christ the King, which enables our pupils to achieve their true potential. If we need to adapt our curriculum, we will, because the most important thing is that our pupils are happy, challenged learners, prepared for the next stage of their learning journey.


To view the National Curriculum document please go to:

Also refer to:

Equality Act 2010: guidance - GOV.UK (

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 (

Please visit your child's 'Year Group' page to find out more about what they will be learning each half term. 


If you have any queries or questions regarding our curriculum, please contact school on 0121 464 9800.
