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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Activities At Home

Weekly Newsletters- From Your Teachers!

Newsletter 6th July 2020

Newsletter 29th June 2020

Newsletter 22nd June 2020

Newsletter 15th June

Year 5 Newsletter 8th June

A New Half Term! Newsletter 1st June 2020

Happy Half Term! Week beginning 25th May

Year 5 Newsletter 18th May

Year 5 Newsletter 11th May

Year 5 Newsletter 4th May

Welcome Back: Summer Term 27th April 2020

Week Two Newsletter Year 5 (6th April 2020)

Week One: 30th March 2020

100 Fun Indoor Activities!


Daily Lessons and Resources


Please ask your adults to support you in accessing the resources below. These links will navigate you to engaging daily lessons and resources: on 'Schedule' and then 'Year 5')


Keep up the hard work!

Stay smiling :-)

The Year 5 Team

If you have any issues with completing your activities from home, please contact

Timetable Template (to help you organise your time!)

The above timetable serves to help you and your adults organise your home school lessons. You might want to complete it at the start of the week or use it as a diary so you can look at how much learning you have experienced over the week. It might be useful to give yourself a rating or a smiley face after each lesson- this will help you and your adults when considering future lessons. Please note that this is a tool to help and you do not need to use this if you are already organised.


Things to Do!

Useful Websites and Apps for Home Learning

Free Subscriptions and Resources
