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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Lenten Fundraising

For our Lenten fundraising for the remaining Fridays During Lent we will be asking for a small donation (50p per child or £1 per family) to ‘Do Something Fun!’

Friday 13th March – ‘Sporty Day’ (wear your sports outfit/trainers)

Friday 20th March – ‘Saints Day’ (wear colours of house team)

Friday 27th March – ‘Wacky Hair’

Friday 3rd April ‘Onesie Day’


Soup and a Roll

As part of their Lenten Fundraising, Year 6 will be providing ‘soup and a roll’ for £1 every Friday. Please come along with your friends and family members to support them when you can.

When: Every Friday from 6th March - 2nd April Time: 1pm-1:40 pm

Where: Year 6 classrooms


Year 4 Cake Sale

Year 4 will be having a cake sale every Wednesday during Lent. Please send your child in with between 20p-50p if they would like a
