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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Letter from Councillor Ian Ward

Our Ref: IW/1329tr



03 March 2021


Dear parent/carer


With schools and colleges across Birmingham preparing for the return of all pupils and

students from 8 March, we are writing to thank you for everything you have done

throughout a challenging year and to ask for your continued help and support over the

coming weeks and months.


Clearly, the reopening of our schools and colleges to all pupils and students must be

done in a safe way, which is why it is important that we all continue to follow the

guidance - at all times.


Schools and colleges will be taking additional measures to ensure that children and

young people can learn in as safe an environment as possible. They will be sharing

their new arrangements with you once they have been finalised, so please continue to

support your school or college by following their rules. Continue to follow the current

routines until the new plans have been communicated and come into effect.

As each institution is different their plans and rules will vary, but there are some things

we all must do:


• remember social distancing and don’t congregate at school gates at drop off

and pick up times

• engage in any testing programmes your school may have in place

• encourage your children to follow the school rules including any face coverings

and class or group bubbles

• If you or your children are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please do not

attend school. Instead, stay home and book a test.

• If you have tested positive for the virus your children should not attend school

for 10 days of you showing symptoms.

• if your child has been sent home from their class bubble and told to isolate,

your child must stay at home and not go out, whether they are experiencing

symptoms or not. They must also stay home regardless of whether they have

had a negative test. The rest of the family does not need to isolate unless your

child develops symptoms.


The earlier that children and young people with symptoms stay off school/college, the

fewer other children and staff will need to isolate as a precaution. This way we can

reduce any potential disruption to other children and staff and help keep schools and

colleges open.


The vaccine roll-out and falling case rates mean we can now start the gradual return

to normal life and the reopening of schools and colleges to more pupils is a welcome

step forward. But we must all do everything we can to ensure that is done in the safest

possible way. By working together and following the guidance, we can ensure we

keep our children, teachers, lecturers and other staff safe.


In closing, we want to thank you for the way you have supported your children’s

schools and colleges at this difficult time. We understand how challenging remote

education has been and your continued support and cooperation has been vital

throughout a very tough year. You really have made a difference, so thank you.


Warm Regards

Councillor Ian Ward

Leader of Birmingham City Council


Councillor Jayne Francis

Cabinet Member for Education, Skills & Culture


Councillor Kate Booth

Cabinet Member for Children’s Wellbeing
