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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Class 6 Mass 16.11.18

Today we were really brave and led our first Class Mass in the hall! We invited along our friends in Class 5, our families and parishioners.

“Study as if you were to live forever, live as if you were to die tomorrow”. These are the words of St. Edmund Abingdon, an outstanding priest, teacher, and man of peace and prayer. St. Edmund was born in the town of Abingdon, near Oxford, in 1175. He was the eldest child of Reginald and Mabel. Edmund’s mum was a strong influence in his life and taught him to pray.

After he had finished studying, Edmund became a teacher and priest at Oxford University. Edmund used to stay up late, praying, and then fall asleep when he was supposed to be teaching. When he woke up, he would tell his students he hadn’t been sleeping – just thinking!

In 1234, Pope Gregory the ninth made Edmund Archbishop of Canterbury. St. Edmund has a special coat of arms. This includes three suns which show us what is most important to Edmund: the Holy Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Edmund died on the 16th November 1240 and it is on this date every year that we celebrate his special Feast Day.


