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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to parents on full opening from 8 March

                                                                                                                    3rd March 2021


Dear parents,


As you will likely be aware, the Prime Minister has announced that all school-age pupils will return to full-time on-site provision from 8 March. We would like to take this opportunity to outline our arrangements for full opening prior to this date.


All pupils will be expected to attend on-site provision from 8th March, with the exception of pupils following public health advice, e.g. if they are required to self-isolate or shield.



From 8 March, attendance is mandatory for all pupils, and the usual rules for attendance apply, e.g. sanctions could be issued in the case of non-attendance.


If your child is following public health advice, e.g. they are shielding or have coronavirus, you will not be penalised for any non-attendance. Pupils not attending for these reasons will continue to receive remote education, where appropriate.


If your child is required to attend the school site but you are anxious or concerned, please get in touch with us via the school office and we can discuss your worries in more detail and provide any reassurance you need. 


Protective measures

We want to reassure you that the school continues to implement a number of protective measures to keep your child safe upon their return to the school site. We have updated our risk assessment to reflect any changes in circumstances pertaining to the full return of pupils, and will communicate any future changes to you as and when we make them. The risk assessment is available on the school website for your perusal.


In order to assist us in minimising risk of infection, please ensure your child is only bringing essential items to the school site each day, including:

  • Lunch boxes
  • Hats and coats
  • Official school reading bags
  • N.B Please look at your child’s class page to check which days they will be doing PE (so need to wear PE kit on those days specified.

We will be sticking to our usual arrival time of 8.30am-8.40am with a slightly staggered finish time of 2.55pm for EYFS/KS1 and 3.00pm for KS2

Please note, in order to minimise any unnecessary contact between parents and pupil groups, we will continue to implement the one-way system at the end of the day.

I.E. Parents to enter the playground via the main gate on Warren Farm Road and exit via the gate on Danesbury Crescent. Hence, the following structure is to be adhered to each day:

ALL PARENTS/CARERS COLLECTING CHILDREN MUST WEAR A FACE MASK WHEN ENTERING THE SCHOOL PREMISES. Non-compliance may lead to a refusal to allow entrance on the premises.

Year group

Start time


Finish time



8.30am 8.40am

Nursery gate for Nursery pupils and siblings (am)


Nursery pupils with siblings will be collected from main playground by the outside log cabin. Parents to use main school gate for entrance







Nursery gate if no siblings in main school


Danesbury Crescent gate if collecting other siblings from main school



8.30am 8.40am

Main gate/Warren Farm Road


Danesbury Crescent gate



Entering via Warren Farm Road main gate only


Danesbury Crescent gate




8.30am 8.40am

Main gate/Warren Farm Road


Danesbury Crescent gate



Entering via Warren Farm Road main gate only


Danesbury Crescent gate




Where possible, please ensure pupils avoid public transport as a means of travelling to and from the school site.


Thank you for your continued support during this tough time. We appreciate your efforts, and we look forward to welcoming back all of our pupils.


If you have any queries, or would like to speak to someone, please get in touch with the school office.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs Breslin

Head Teacher

