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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Whole School Letter - Attendance

    Mon 08 Mar 2021

    School Attendance – Covid Update

    March 2021


    A very important message for all parents/carers


    8th March 2021


    Dear Parent/Carer,


    This is a message about school attendance. 


    Christ the King RC Primary School is working in partnership with parents and Birmingham City Council to encourage children back into school following several very difficult months for parents, children and schools. We would like to thank parents for the work you have done in ensuring your children have received education during this period. 


    During the recent lockdown, schools were closed to all but vulnerable children and the children of critical workers.


    Now the circumstances have changed, it is vital for all children to return to school to minimise as far as possible the longer-term impact of the pandemic on their education, wellbeing and wider development.  We know that children have missed being with their friends and the wider social aspects of school.  Following the first lockdown the vast majority of children returned to full time school.


    Missing out on more time in the classroom risks pupils falling further behind. Those with higher overall absence tend to achieve less well in both primary and secondary school. Therefore, the government has advised that school attendance is again compulsory from the 8th March 2021


    This means that (unless parents are formally notified of new lockdown arrangements where schools are closed or a child is required to self-isolate), the usual rules on school attendance apply, including:


    • parents’ duty to send their child/children to school regularly where they are of compulsory school age;
    • schools’ responsibilities to record attendance and follow up absence
    • the option for local authorities to again consider the use of legal sanctions, including penalty notices and prosecution in court.


    If you are worried about your child/children attending school the first port of call is to discuss your concerns with the school directly. The school has specialist staff who may be able to help, and all schools work closely with health and council teams who may also be able to help if needed.


    Please note that, given the disruption to children’s education caused by the pandemic, requests for leave during term time are unlikely to be authorised by the Head Teacher.


    Family emergencies also need careful consideration. It is not always appropriate or in the best interests of the child to miss school for emergencies which are being dealt with by adult family members.  


    No school or local authority wants to take legal action.  Every attempt to resolve parents’ concerns and improve a child’s attendance will be made before any formal legal action, which may include a penalty notice or court action, is considered.  


    After so much disruption to children’s education over the past year, the most important thing is that the school and parents work together to get children back into school. The school is ready to listen so please contact them if you have any worries and they will try to help you.  There is also information for parents and carers on attending school during the pandemic here:


    We wish you and your child/children all the best for the remainder of the academic year.


    Kind regards



    Education Legal Intervention Team

    Birmingham City Council                                  

  • Letter from Councillor Ian Ward

    Thu 04 Mar 2021

    Our Ref: IW/1329tr



    03 March 2021


    Dear parent/carer


    With schools and colleges across Birmingham preparing for the return of all pupils and

    students from 8 March, we are writing to thank you for everything you have done

    throughout a challenging year and to ask for your continued help and support over the

    coming weeks and months.


    Clearly, the reopening of our schools and colleges to all pupils and students must be

    done in a safe way, which is why it is important that we all continue to follow the

    guidance - at all times.


    Schools and colleges will be taking additional measures to ensure that children and

    young people can learn in as safe an environment as possible. They will be sharing

    their new arrangements with you once they have been finalised, so please continue to

    support your school or college by following their rules. Continue to follow the current

    routines until the new plans have been communicated and come into effect.

    As each institution is different their plans and rules will vary, but there are some things

    we all must do:


    • remember social distancing and don’t congregate at school gates at drop off

    and pick up times

    • engage in any testing programmes your school may have in place

    • encourage your children to follow the school rules including any face coverings

    and class or group bubbles

    • If you or your children are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please do not

    attend school. Instead, stay home and book a test.

    • If you have tested positive for the virus your children should not attend school

    for 10 days of you showing symptoms.

    • if your child has been sent home from their class bubble and told to isolate,

    your child must stay at home and not go out, whether they are experiencing

    symptoms or not. They must also stay home regardless of whether they have

    had a negative test. The rest of the family does not need to isolate unless your

    child develops symptoms.


    The earlier that children and young people with symptoms stay off school/college, the

    fewer other children and staff will need to isolate as a precaution. This way we can

    reduce any potential disruption to other children and staff and help keep schools and

    colleges open.


    The vaccine roll-out and falling case rates mean we can now start the gradual return

    to normal life and the reopening of schools and colleges to more pupils is a welcome

    step forward. But we must all do everything we can to ensure that is done in the safest

    possible way. By working together and following the guidance, we can ensure we

    keep our children, teachers, lecturers and other staff safe.


    In closing, we want to thank you for the way you have supported your children’s

    schools and colleges at this difficult time. We understand how challenging remote

    education has been and your continued support and cooperation has been vital

    throughout a very tough year. You really have made a difference, so thank you.


    Warm Regards

    Councillor Ian Ward

    Leader of Birmingham City Council


    Councillor Jayne Francis

    Cabinet Member for Education, Skills & Culture


    Councillor Kate Booth

    Cabinet Member for Children’s Wellbeing

  • Footway Resurfacing

    Wed 03 Mar 2021
    Please note there will be footway resurfacing taking place from the Kingstanding Inn to Christ the King School from 8th March to 23rd March.  For further details please go News and Events/Newsletters on our website.
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to parents on full opening from 8 March

    Wed 03 Mar 2021

                                                                                                                        3rd March 2021


    Dear parents,


    As you will likely be aware, the Prime Minister has announced that all school-age pupils will return to full-time on-site provision from 8 March. We would like to take this opportunity to outline our arrangements for full opening prior to this date.


    All pupils will be expected to attend on-site provision from 8th March, with the exception of pupils following public health advice, e.g. if they are required to self-isolate or shield.



    From 8 March, attendance is mandatory for all pupils, and the usual rules for attendance apply, e.g. sanctions could be issued in the case of non-attendance.


    If your child is following public health advice, e.g. they are shielding or have coronavirus, you will not be penalised for any non-attendance. Pupils not attending for these reasons will continue to receive remote education, where appropriate.


    If your child is required to attend the school site but you are anxious or concerned, please get in touch with us via the school office and we can discuss your worries in more detail and provide any reassurance you need. 


    Protective measures

    We want to reassure you that the school continues to implement a number of protective measures to keep your child safe upon their return to the school site. We have updated our risk assessment to reflect any changes in circumstances pertaining to the full return of pupils, and will communicate any future changes to you as and when we make them. The risk assessment is available on the school website for your perusal.


    In order to assist us in minimising risk of infection, please ensure your child is only bringing essential items to the school site each day, including:

    • Lunch boxes
    • Hats and coats
    • Official school reading bags
    • N.B Please look at your child’s class page to check which days they will be doing PE (so need to wear PE kit on those days specified.

    We will be sticking to our usual arrival time of 8.30am-8.40am with a slightly staggered finish time of 2.55pm for EYFS/KS1 and 3.00pm for KS2

    Please note, in order to minimise any unnecessary contact between parents and pupil groups, we will continue to implement the one-way system at the end of the day.

    I.E. Parents to enter the playground via the main gate on Warren Farm Road and exit via the gate on Danesbury Crescent. Hence, the following structure is to be adhered to each day:

    ALL PARENTS/CARERS COLLECTING CHILDREN MUST WEAR A FACE MASK WHEN ENTERING THE SCHOOL PREMISES. Non-compliance may lead to a refusal to allow entrance on the premises.

    Year group

    Start time


    Finish time



    8.30am 8.40am

    Nursery gate for Nursery pupils and siblings (am)


    Nursery pupils with siblings will be collected from main playground by the outside log cabin. Parents to use main school gate for entrance







    Nursery gate if no siblings in main school


    Danesbury Crescent gate if collecting other siblings from main school



    8.30am 8.40am

    Main gate/Warren Farm Road


    Danesbury Crescent gate



    Entering via Warren Farm Road main gate only


    Danesbury Crescent gate




    8.30am 8.40am

    Main gate/Warren Farm Road


    Danesbury Crescent gate



    Entering via Warren Farm Road main gate only


    Danesbury Crescent gate




    Where possible, please ensure pupils avoid public transport as a means of travelling to and from the school site.


    Thank you for your continued support during this tough time. We appreciate your efforts, and we look forward to welcoming back all of our pupils.


    If you have any queries, or would like to speak to someone, please get in touch with the school office.


    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs Breslin

    Head Teacher

