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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Art and Design



At Christ the King, we understand that high-quality art comes out of increased mastery of curriculum knowledge and skill. Therefore, we set out to inspire pupils, developing their confidence to experiment and create their own, individual works of art, without fear of ‘getting it wrong’. They learn that art is subjective and are constantly encouraged to reflect on the art they produce. Using sequenced lessons, children have the opportunity to develop a good breadth of both knowledge and skills combining their understanding of the seven art disciplines. Children learn the discipline skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles and 3D work as well as studying and exploring diverse artists. Focusing on the artist’s styles and inspirations, the children learn how to apply these skills to their own work, as well as critically analysing the artists and their own pieces. Children will learn that it is okay to make mistakes, explore, experiment and risk-take.



To make sure our above intentions are fulfilled, at Christ the King we have implemented the following;

  • knowledge organisers that outline both the knowledge and the skills the children need, as well as the use of formal elements. Children therefore can explain the reasoning for these and how every piece of art focuses on at least one of the formal elements.
  • A cross-curricular approach that lets children revisit their knowledge of artists in our Appreciation of the World lessons. The skills and knowledge learnt in our Art lessons are revisited and developed in other subjects, for example, studying religious artwork in R.E., sketching scientific diagrams in Science and collaging and painting in English, creating artwork based on the current book of study.
  • A progression document that ensures that skills are developed in a logical sequence.
  • Sketchbooks that show progression from EYFS up to Year 6, starting with being able to explore ideas in an open-ended way and leading up to being able to use a systematic and independent approach to research, test and develop ideas and plans.
  • Working Walls that show key vocab’, key art pieces and questioning to engage children.
  • Art after school clubs that are available every half-term.



Children at Christ the King are therefore able to produce creative work that expresses their views and own individuality. As children are deeply involved in the evaluation process of art, they are able to discuss their likes and dislikes, as well as explore and record their experiences using the different art disciplines and formal elements. We wish for our children to be unafraid to create as they wish in a happy and calm learning environment with no restraint on what they can achieve with their artistic skills at school, home and in their future lives.


SMSVC and British values in Art and Design at Christ the King School


We aim to develop SMSVC through Art and Design by:



  • Use imagination and creativity, to explore ideas and feelings in works of Art and express themselves through their own art and design activities
  • Appreciate the achievements of other artists both contemporary and from the past.
  • Develop fascination, awe and wonder in the work of others


  • Talk about how artists and designers represent moral issues through their work


  • Collaborate to create pieces of work
  • Respect each other’s ideas and opinions when talking about pieces of art and design, including the work of others in the class
  • Recognise the need to consider the views of others
  • Develop collaborative, cooperative and teamwork skills


  • Pupils are encouraged to consider in Art and Design and Appreciation of the World the many different vocations where they can use both their Art and Design knowledge and skills.


  • Reflect on the ways in which cultures are represented in art and design, understanding the ideas behind art, craft and design in different cultural contexts
  • Explore a range of festivals and celebrations from our own and other cultures


British values in Art and Design at Christ the King


We aim to promote British values through the Art and Design curriculum:

British values, including those of democracy -understanding how some art work may have been censored, voting on favourite pieces of art. Knowing that individual liberty allows us to make our own choices in art and design. Tolerance for other cultures and beliefs, our pupils will experience, explore and talk about art work from a range of cultures and beliefs.

Progression of Skills
