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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Autumn 2 2023

 smiley ELSA Study 


Diabetes Awareness is important to us at Christ the King.

The ELSA study will take place in school on Thursday 30th November 23.


Want to get your child screened for Type 1 diabetes?

The ELSA study, led by the University of Birmingham, is screening children, aged 3-13 years to find out their risk of developing type 1 diabetes. This is a simple finger stick blood test, that can be done at home or in the community (school, general practice).

Children at high risk can be monitored and could enter research studies aiming to delay the start of type 1 diabetes. Every family who takes part is helping us to understand more about type 1 diabetes.


For more information, please see our online information tool here:

If you would like to take part, please fill in the eligibility form:

You can contact us by email: or phone:  0121 414 7814 for online or postal consent options

Thank you.

Elsa Diabetic Study Assembly (26.10.23)


On Thursday, a researcher from Birmingham University and nurse came into school and led an assembly on Diabetes and their Elsa Study which will helps to identify which children may be susceptible of developing Diabetes before they present with symptoms. Early screening could save a lot of lives in the future if we identify who is at risk and prevent people from becoming very sick before they are identified. The children all thought of very interesting questions to ask the researcher team. A child in the school shared with the children about her Type 1 Diabetes and the different medical support she needs. She confidently answered the children’s questions. She reassured the children that finger prick tests, don’t really hurt.

The screening will take place on 30th November but parents will need to complete a consent form so that their children can have a simple, a relatively painless (a small ouch) finger prick blood test.


Consent forms for the study and a QR code are above.

smiley Visuals to help support communication- I feel...  (6.11.23)


The attached documents are visuals that can support children to help them to communicate how they feel. It can be frustrating to not be able to communicate especially if you feel unwell.

 smiley Information poster on ADHD (7.11.23)

smiley Intensive Interaction (8.11.23)

smiley Bucket (Attention Autism)


Below is a link to the first stages of 'Bucket' intervention- sometimes referred to as Attention Autism.

We like to refer to this as 'Bucket' as it can be a useful intervention for children to help with gaining and maintaining attention, not just for children with Autism.

 smiley SEND Communication and Engagement event (17.11.23)


This event is free and is designed for parents to find out more about the Parent Carer Forum and voluntary services that available to support families in Birmingham.

smiley SEND Coffee Morning  (27.11.23)


There will be SEND Coffee morning on Monday 27th November at 8:45-9:15 with our Communication and Autism Team (CAT) representative who will be providing informal training on Sensory Needs. There will also be an opportunity to review of SEND offer in school. Hopeful we can see you there.

 smiley Helping children to make choices (27.11.23)


Information from Speech and Language to support families to help children to make choices.

 smiley Resources to support turn taking (27.11.23)

 smiley Elsa diabetic study (30.11.23)

smiley Christmas themed communication resources (12.12.23)


Here are some more widget resources for Christmas to support pupils with communication needs:
