British Value and Gospel Virtues | Some of the ways we promote this at Christ the King |
Democracy Gospel Virtues: Discerning, Eloquent, Intentional, Prophetic | - Elections for positions of responsibility in school.
- CTK Stewards
- The use of Circle Time
- Class Debates dealing with different viewpoints
- Writing balanced arguments in Literacy
- Volunteering to help others in the local, Parish, wider and global community.
The Rule of Law Gospel Virtues: Truthful, Generous, Learned, Active. | - School Behaviour Policy
- Classroom Rules
- Visits and talks from our police community support officer
- Internet Safety training
- Ethos / Gospel Virtues - helping children to distinguish between right and wrong.
- Use of Biblical Stories model to children people making the right choice, even in difficult situations.
- The teaching of RHSE
Individual Liberty Gospel Virtues: Wise, Curious, Faith- filled, Grateful. | - Work on Vocations during Mission Week - we encourage children to recognise their talents and fulfil their potential.
- All children are treated equally, fairly and given the same opportunity to take part in activities and experiences as we are all children of God.
- Behaviour Policies and Procedures put emphasis on children being responsible for their own actions.
- Pupil Voice through school council / pupil interviews and an annual pupil survey allows children to express their own views about school and take action.
- Stereotypes are challenged throughout school.
- Freedom of speech is modelled through pupil participation in class discussions, dialogue with staff, pupil questionnaires and the knowledge that children can speak freely and openly to staff members.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs Gospel Virtues: Loving, Hopeful, Compassionate, Attentive | - During Mission Week children explore different faiths and visit other places of worship. Throughout the year they also learn about other celebrations (ie. Diwali and Chinese New Year.)
- Children experience and learn about music from all over the world during Music and Appreciation of the World Lessons
- Children learn about the lives of people from other places in the world.
- The RE programme of study includes work on different faiths.
- Children in Key Stage 2 are learning to speak Spanish.
- Children have access to a range of books which explore other faiths and cultures.
- Work of CTK Stewards