May 24
A2Z of prayer- N is for Nigeria (1.5.24)
Living Simply- Year of Prayer (2.5.24)
Pope Francis has declared that 2025 will be a special Jubilee Year for the Catholic Church, with the theme 'Hope'. As a way to get ready and prepare his Holiness, Pope Francis and dedicated 2024 a year of Prayer. As a school we are following Pope Francis' directions to get 'back to basics' during this year by focusing on the Lord's prayer.
Please support of work in school by praying the 'Our Father' together at home:
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done,
On earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Attached is a resource from the Archdiocese of Birmingham to help you get to understand the Our Father in more detail.
Mission Rosary in May (7.5.24)
The staff and children are praying the Mission Rosary in May, as it is traditional to consider May to be Mary's month. We will use the Mission Rosary which is has different coloured beads that are colour-coded with colours linked to a decade for each continent. We pray simply and in solidarity with our brothers and sisters throughout the world. It’s a wonderful way to think about the world around us and gain an understanding of what it means to belong to the Universal Church.
Please pray the Rosary at home to. Here are some useful resources to help:
Litter picking in the local area (8.5.24)
A lovely message from a parent today:
I just wanted to email to let you know that the environment message at school has really stuck with my daughter in particular recently. Although we try to do our bit at home, she has been running around the garden shouting "I'm an environment superhero!" while watering the plants, and I have to give full credit on that part to school!
Here are both children on their litter pick this evening. It's not why they did it, but it was lovely that a couple of people took the time to come over and say well done to them. It was only a quick session, but they manage to completely fill a bag to bursting!
Brilliant work. What wonderful parents we have!
A2Z of Prayer- O is for Oman (9.5.24)
We are praying the Rosary in May (10.5.24)
Please find below a guide from Year 6 on how to pray the Rosary.
SATS week (13.05.24-16.5.24)
We pray for the Y6 children who will be completing their SATS tests this week. We pray that God will be with them and help them to feel calm and relaxed.
EYFS/KS1 and KS2 Rosary (22.5.24)
All the children joined in with praying the Rosary will all of the nine schools in our Sursum Corda group. The children all prayed very reverently. A special thanks to Lily M and Wilson who lead the children in the Glorious mystery: The Decent of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Y1 for the picture of you praying together.
Please use the PowerPoint below if you want to pray at home too:
A2Z of prayer: P is for Palestine (24.5.24)
Other learning this term- Year 1: Seven Continents Song
We have been learning about the seven continents in our Geography Lessons. Play this at home to help you remember the names of them all.
If you like a challenge, can you learn to spell any of them?
Other learning this term- Reception: Ash End Farm
Reception have been in awe and wonder at the beauty of God’s creation.
They had a great day at the farm with their family members. They saw lots of different animals and fed the ducks, goats and sheep. They pet lots of animals, they had to be really careful when stroking the animals, especially with the chicks. After visiting the chickens they got to take an egg home too. They talked about the different animals and their names for them as adult animals and baby animals. They sang lots of songs about different farm animals. Isn’t God’s creation wonderful!
Upcoming events:
West Midlands Combined Authority Forum Event- Greener Forum (4.6.24)
There will be a session held at St. Martin’s Church at the Bull Ring and will act as an opportunity to discuss the role of faith in contributing towards climate action.
If you know of anyone else that might be interested in attending, please see the flyer below for more information.