Collective Worship and Prayer
At Christ the King School, pupils not only experience Collective Worship but they actively, lead, plan and initiate times to encounter God through giving praise, glory, honour and thanks to Him.
In addition to helping children to learn Traditional Prayers of the Church, we strive to educate our children in the many different ways that they can pray in addition to explaining the purpose and power of prayer. Our children are exposed to many of the prayer traditions of the Catholic Church and each month we focus on a different ‘Prayer of The Month’.
More information about the Traditional Prayers that your child should know can be found below each child is also given a copy of these to take home at the beginning of the year.
Whole School Collective Worship
Each week, a Gospel Assembly is led by our head teacher, Mrs Breslin and this is followed by time to celebrate the children’s achievements.
Each fortnight pupils attend Mass in church which is planned and led by the children from a particular class and Fr. The and Deacon Gary are helped to administer the Blessed Sacrament by members who have been chosen to be Extraordinary Ministers of Communion.
Governors, parents and family members are always welcome to celebrate Mass with us and we actively encourage parents to attend these special times of worship.
From September, children in the Reception classes are paired up with children in Year 6 as Prayer Buddies. They sit together during Mass in the Autumn term and spend time together praying throughout the year.
Key Stage Collective Worship
EYFS and KS1 come together for a teacher-led assembly as do KS2. Children form an integral part of this time and often help to plan and lead these assemblies with their teacher. Children bring their prayer book to these assemblies and pray in a variety of ways.
On Friday afternoons, we end our week through giving praise to God in Hymn Practice: as it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church - “He who sings prays twice”.
Class Collective Worship
In class, we pray traditional prayers of the Church every day and during this time we also take a few moments to pray for a different member of the class and their family.
Each week, prayer services take place in classes. In EYFS and KS1 these are usually led by the class teacher with help from some pupils but by key stage two these are usually planned and led by pupils in small groups. Sometimes the children use the ‘Wednesday Word’ to help them and a copy of this is put on the website every week.
Within each classroom we have a prayer focus which children are encouraged to contribute to. These are monitored regularly by the CTK Stewards, who give feedback to classes.
Staff Prayers
Each Friday morning, staff gather together and pray. Sometimes this is also led by groups of children such as the CTK stewards and Year 6 pupils.
We also begin every meeting with a time of prayer and pray for a different member of our school staff each week.
Additional Collective Worship
In addition to Masses, we also come together as a whole school for bi-annual retreat days and during the key times in the Church’s year.
Rosary Live Stream
In September 2022, we really enjoyed coming together to undertake Adoration of the Relics of St Bernadette, led in the Rosary by Archbishop Bernard and in song by One Life Music.
During the months of October and May, the CTK stewards plan and lead a ‘Rosary Club’ for the other children.
In November, we hold a special assembly on Remembrance Day and during the Mass that takes place in this week we process our ‘Christ the King Book of Holy Souls’.
When we are preparing for Christmas during Advent, the children from EYFS and Key Stage 1 each perform a Christmas Nativity whilst Year 3 and Year 6 lead the school in a Carol Concert.
During Lent, the Year 4 and 5 children enable us to reflect on Christ’s Passion through their Easter Production and we end our term on the Thursday of Holy Week with the Stations of the Cross.
Children from Y3 - 6 are also provided with the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during these key liturgical seasons as part of their year group Penitential Services.
In November we hold a special assembly on Remembrance Day and during the Mass that takes place in this week we process our ‘Christ the King Book of Holy Souls’.
When we are preparing for Christmas during Advent, the children from EYFS and Key Stage 1 each perform a Christmas Nativity whilst Year 3 and Year 6 lead the school in a Carol Service.
During Lent, the Year 4 and 5 children enable us to reflect on Christ’s Passion through their Easter Production and we end our term on the Thursday of Holy Week with the Stations of the Cross.
Children from Y3 - 6 are also provided with the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during these key liturgical seasons as part of their year group Penitential Services.