July 24
Extra action: human dignity and school solidarity (1.7.24)
It is so important to share positive thoughts about others. Over the course of the year, the staff in prayer time have written positive comments to share each other. Today we shared them in the staff meeting.
Staff comment:
“Thanks for the notes people wrote about each other, it was really lovely. It makes you realise people do like you and think you are good at what you do. I didn’t think I was a rock for people. I know everyone liked their notes.”
Staff reflections on our LiveSimply progress (1.7.24):
Extra action- Prayer of Hope Day (2.7.24)
The Year of Prayer, called by Pope Francis, is an opportunity for us all to deepen our relationship with the Lord. In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, 2024 has been designated a year of prayer by the Pope. Along with the schools in our Sursum Corda group, we completed a Prayer of Hope Day, with all the schools joining in prayer together. On this day, we visited Corpus Christi Catholic Primary to pray with them and St Margaret's Mary Catholic Primary School prayed with us at our school. It was wonderful to see the children coming together as one family of God, making friends and praying together.
Prayers- so you can pray at home too
Extra action: Celebrating LiveSimply (2.7.24 and 3.7.24)
As a way to celebrate our love for the LiveSimply award. We have made LiveSimply t-shirts which the staff will proudly wear on LiveSimply day. We found some pre-loved T-shirts, that would have gone to landfill, and we rescued them. After a wash and a bit of home-made branding magic, we made our own LiveSimply t-shirts! We can't wait to see the staff in their t-shirts.
Live Simply day (4.7.24)
What an exciting day! We started the day with a whole school Live Simply assembly led by the CTK Stewards. We looked at the actions we have completed so far and what further actions we were to complete today. The PowerPoint shows a summary of some of the work completed in each class.
Reception and Year 6 to visit a local care home
A group of ten reception children and 10 Year 6 pupils visited our local care home today. To spend time with the residents in our local community and simply spend time talking together. Both the children and the older people greatly benefiting from the visit. This remind us on of Pope Francis' general audience on 15th June 22 when His Holiness said:
"Elderly people have so much to give us because there is the wisdom of life.” He also urged Christians to bridge the gap between older and younger generations so that the elderly may pass on the “memory of life, the experience of life, the wisdom of life.” “In the measure that we can help young people and old people connect, there will be more hope for the future of our society.”
Whole School cake sale
Thank you also to the many, many families, staff, children and even some of the governors that made and bought cakes for the cake sale. It was a truly tremendous response and shows how generous of school community is. Even different dietary requirements were considered. The money raised will feed hungry children through Mary’s Meals. The CTK Stewards definitely enjoyed selling them too!
We raised enough money to feed 10 children for a whole year through Mary's Meals.
Why do we have cakes sales? Who can we help through fundraising?
Book swap
All children visited the book swap stations to encourage greater engagement with swapping books at home time too. They looked at the books and completed reviews of the books, including books of religious significance. The book review postcards have been delivered to classes to advertise the wonderful books in the book swap stations and some will be in the stations themselves.
Prayer garden crafts
All the year groups created crafts out of recycled materials for the prayer garden, including a cross made out of recycled garden fencing and bottle top lids, button LiveSimply sign, prayer intentions on recycled material, designed and made prayer jars out of recycled materials and prayer cards to write prayers on, shell clay pots, LiveSimply bunting, ribbon hearts etc. Thanks to some of the parishioners and Fr The who joined us for a celebration of our efforts, including blessing these special items.
Pledge writing
Refocusing our efforts- discussing our efforts towards our pledges, including some children writing new pledges.
Child and parents' views
It was lovely to hear how positively the children spoke about our Live Simply journey this year. Here are two of the comments:
"I feel happy because we have learned not to litter, recycle and what living simply is."
"I feel great because we are helping God's planet and making it a better place, by recycling and being kind and helpful."
Thanks also the many parents who have completed the online Live Simply feedback (via email). The most frequent comments say that parents particularly enjoyed the Live Simply (and sustainably) parent prayer service style workshops and the cake sales which raised money for Mary's Meals.
Advertising Live Simply
The staff all wore Live Simply t-shirt to advertise the LiveSimply message and some of the children got in on the action too.
Actions that need further consolidation next year:
Local community- Choir singing at the care home and at Tesco to fundraise for CAFOD
More cake sakes for Mary's Meals after parish Masses as they are popular with parents
Continue to advertise and replenish the Book swap
Continue with A2Z of prayer
More engagement events with the parish
More parental workshops as they are popular with families
We achieved LiveSimply Award together as a whole school and parish community! Well done everyone.