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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


February 24

AtoZ of Prayer- I is for Israel (1.2.24)


We continue to pray for peace in the Holy Land.

Book swap and reading at home (8.2.24)

School Council Meeting (9.2.24)


The school council met today to discuss our forthcoming Lenten fundraising. The children have chosen to support Mary's Meals as the children were impressed with our previous fundraising (9 children fed for a whole year). The council, in discussion with their classes, will share information with their classes about why we are supporting Mary's Meals and how the money raised will support our brothers and sisters across the world. The children discussed possible ways we can raise money and are eager to agree on different actions with their classes. More to follow.


The children also discussed the ways we can 'Live Simply' with our families and upcoming pledge writing. The council felt that we need to improve the visibility of the Book Swap libraries so that more families can access books independently. They feel that improved signage would help with this; Mrs Franklin has kindly agreed to help with this. 

Live Simply- Tree Growing Project (9.2.24)


Today, three children, representing the School Council and the CTK Stewards, travelled to the St Columban’s Mission as part of the Tree Growing Project supporting planting trees in the Philippines. We prayed with the staff and children from 6 of the 24 schools from the Birmingham diocese who are supporting the project. We planted trees in the very muddy field at St Columban’s. Great fun was had by all!

Arriving at the Missionary Society of St Columban

Prayer writing, sharing of prayers and a blessing

World Day of the Sick (11.2.24)


Live Simply: We join with our brothers and sisters to pray for the sick.

Live Simply: Ash Wednesday (14.2.24)

Extra Action: God's Planet Day- Rise Theatre Company (20.2.24)


Today was God's Planet Day, involving the wonderful Rise Theatre company. The children thoroughly enjoyed the fun and interactive nature of the performance which helped us all to reflect on how we should be looking after God's creation. All the children, across the school, completed work in their classes in response to the messages shared. 


Cece's reflection on the day: "It is really fun. It teaches you but in a fun way that you can understand. My favourite part of the song, 'We don't want rubbish in the deep blue sea, oh the deep blue sea!' I have been singing it all the time since."

Sienna-beau said, "We know that throwing rubbish and not recycling harms animals and our planet. We have to be responsible and look after the world."

A sample of work from across the school

Extra Action: Geography link- Seven Trent Water (21.2.24)


Severn Trent Water came into school today to provide a wonderfully engaging workshop for the whole school and then followed this up with workshops with the Year 4 classes as part their Geography work. The messages also mirrored our work on Live Simply as Severn Trent Water discussed that we all have the responsibility to take care of the earth. 


Sebastian explained; "I learnt that we shouldn't waste water by not continuing to re-fill baths. A baths holds 240 litres of water and a shower holds 120 litres of waters so showers are best. We should have short showers; 4 minutes is enough. Make sure you turn off taps, in between brushing your teeth. We should also not put oil down the drain as it turns to a solid. Water is so precious. We are lucky to have water when others don't." 


Severn Trent wish us to share that they are happy to support in other schools; their support today was completely free!

The assembly with Severn Trent Water

Fundraising for Lent- Mary’s Meals (23.2.24)


We are supporting Mary’s Meals this year for our Lenten fundraiser. Mary’s Meals serves nutritious school meals to children living in some of the world’s poorest countries. The promise of a good meal attracts these hungry children into the classroom, giving them the energy to learn and hope for a better future. Just £19.15 will feed a child for a whole year.

Whole school Fundraising Fridays- £1 a person, £2 a family


Upcoming events:

Friday 1st March: ‘Wearing’ purple day for Lent

Friday 8th March: ‘Hair or hat’ day with school uniform

Friday 15th March: ‘Express yourself’ day, wearing clothes to express your personality

Friday 22nd March: Pyjamas day

Live Simply Pledges (24.2.24)


As part of the going forth at the children's Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday the children and their families will write pledges to create 'Pledgehogs'. All children across the school will write a pledge.

More pictures to follow.

Whole School Assembly from Mary's Meals (28.2.24)


We were very lucky to have a visit from Sue and Marguerite from Mary's Meals today who explained:

- They explained that Mary's Meals feeds children in 18 countries around the world.

- The money raised through our fundraising will go to Ethiopia and why the money is so desperately needed. (See extra AtoZ of prayer). 

- 67 million children around the world are missing school because of poverty and many others come to class too hungry to learn.

- It costs just £19.15 feeds a children every day for a meal.

- Every penny counts as one meal is 10p and can make a massive difference to a child's life. 

The children were all very excited to be part of our fundraising efforts and Mary's Meal praised the children for their behaviour and responses in the assembly. Well done children!


Extra A2Z of Prayer for Ethiopia (28.2.24)


In light of our fundraising for Mary's Meals, this was shared with all children to understand why we are raising money for Ethiopia to feed the hungry.

Extra action- The Animal Man visit (29.2.24)


Dr James McKay brought some of his lovely animals to see us for EYFS and Key Stage 1 children! We were even allowed to touch some of them. We saw a tenrec, a polecat, a barn owl, a royal python, a scorpion and a tortoise that was 150 years old!! It’s God’s creation beautiful! We have a duty to protect it as we are stewards of God’s creation.

Other learning this term - Year 1: Science


This half term our science lessons are happening outdoors. We will be in the school garden and around our local area learning about plants and trees. We will be using our observational skills to try to identify different types of plants and trees that grow in Kingstanding! We need to look after our local area as stewards of God’s creation.
