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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”




 "For many pupils, the music they love will be part of the narrative of their lives and bring colour to the experiences that shape them. Learning about music is a vital part of a broad and rounded education." Ofsted Music Report 2023


Our Intent for Music at Christ the King 


At Christ the King, our intention is to engage and inspire our pupils to develop their creativity through a love of music. Music is universal and has the power to connect individuals and communities. We aim to bring our children together to experience the joy of music through performances, ensemble playing and whole-school singing. We believe that providing our children with opportunities to perform promotes a joy for music and increases both their self-confidence and sense of achievement. We also provide our children with opportunities to listen and appraise music from a range of genres, traditions, styles and historical periods. This develops our children’s ability to listen critically to music and apply their understanding of the key elements of music to musical composition.


The Implementation for Music at Christ the King


Our music curriculum has been designed with the Model Music Curriculum in mind to ensure that the children at Christ the King develop their individual musicianship by singing, listening, composing and performing. This is embedded through the attendance of weekly hymn practices, year group performances and key-stage performances throughout the year and the learning of both tuned and un-tuned instruments. At Christ the King, the elements of music are taught during classroom lessons. This enables our children to understand how music is made and played and provides them with the vocabulary needed to dissect and discuss the pieces of music that they have listened to. This begins in EYFS where, during weekly music lessons, our children learn a repertoire of songs, create and perform songs and learn how to move rhythmically in time to music. Our curriculum also ensure that children in EYFS play instruments and listen to songs so that they are able to express their thoughts and feelings through music. In Key Stage One, the strong foundation of early musical skills in EYFS is built upon as the children continue to deepen their musical understanding. This includes exposing our children to more complex musical vocabulary which they can use when listening and appraising pieces of music. Performing remains an integral part of the music curriculum in Key Stage One as the children sing in hymn practices and receive taught music lessons weekly. In addition to singing in weekly hymn practices and taking part in whole-school performances, children in Key Stage Two are provided with the opportunity to compose pieces of music.


The Impact  for Music at Christ the King

Children at Christ the King will be able to know more and remember more about music. They will begin to be taught the elements of music in EYFS and use their growing knowledge and understanding to develop their individual musicianship as they progress through the key stages. By participating in regular performances, they will develop their self-confidence and feel connected to one another as they experience the sense of community that music brings.


By the end of Year 6, all pupils at Christ the King will increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement by singing, listening to, composing and performing pieces of music.


SMSVC and British values in Music at Christ the King School
We aim to develop SMSVC through Music by:

  • Pupils develop their curiosity in creating their own sounds.
  • Pupils given opportunity to explore how music effects their emotions
  • Pupils will explore the role of sacred music and will be given opportunities to select and use of music for prayer


  • Pupils will explore how music can convey human emotions such as sadness, joy, anger.
  • Pupil will appreciate the self-discipline required to learn a musical instrument.
  • Pupils will explore the moral messages in songs.


  • Exploring and given opportunity to know how a choir works together (singing in parts)
  • Appreciating how music is used in different ways in different settings e.g. for pleasure, for worship, to help people relax
  • Engaging with our parish and wider community through our use of worship music.


  • Pupils are encouraged to consider in Music and Appreciation of the World the different vocations where they can use both their Music knowledge and skills.


  • Pupils will develop a wider cultural awareness as they investigate, explore a variety of music from different cultures.


British values in Music at Christ the King
We aim to promote British values through the Music curriculum:
You may see this in a variety of ways. For example, Democracy could be shown when pupils must take the views and opinions of others into account, but still have the right to make their own choices especially in their appreciation of music. The rule of law will be evident to the children as they understand the importance of safety rules when using instruments. Individual liberty, that they have their own choice in their musical creations. Tolerance where the pupils understand that many great genres of music originate from other cultures. Mutual Respect when listening to and considering the ideas and opinions of their peers.

Singing at Christ the King


Over the years the children at Christ the King have become known for their wonderful singing. Wherever people hear our children singing they comment on how amazing they sound. Have a listen to our children.

I'm a Believer.wma


Composition Club- After School Club

Our talented musicians!
