Autumn 1 2023
School Readiness Programme
Below is a useful link to a video from the School Nursing Team which discusses what School Readiness is and things that parents can do to support the transition from being at home/nursery and going to school full time.
The video signposts useful websites that may be of interest to you:
Social stories on 'biting' and 'kind hands'
Attached are two Social Stories that can be used to support children to stop biting and instead use kind hands.
Social stories:
Communication and Autism Team (CAT) Parent Awareness Course
Please find the details and flyer for the Primary Age CAT PAC sessions for parents.
The sessions will take place via Teams (virtually) and will be on Tuesdays at 12:30-2:30.
The first session will be on Tuesday 10th October.
Details of how to book are included on the flyer.
Places often fill quickly so follow the link if you are interested.
Booking information:
Communication and Autism Team (CAT) Drop In session
CAT are hosting a parent drop in session for any parent on CAT caseload in the North of Birmingham. This session will provide families with the opportunity to meet with CAT leads and other parents.
Date: Thursday 5th October 9.30-11.30am
Venue: Saint Peter and Paul’s Primary School / Parish Hall Erdington
No need to book, just turn up.
Please find the flyer below for more information.
Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) support
Below are some SLT videos to support children, families and carers.
These videos were designed with the purpose of communicating general information about speech, language, and communication needs to families as well as providing strategies to help your child’s communication development. These videos also contain information about therapy processes accessible in school.
We hope that you find the information provided in these videos useful but we recognise that you may still have questions about your child’s speech, language, or communication needs.
Follow this page for upcoming parent workshops with our Speech and Language Therapist.
Below is a list of links to useful websites:
The provider of mental health services for young people up to the age of 25 in Birmingham. Should you feel your child needs support regarding emotional / behavioural resilience or anxiety it is recommended that you may seek advice and support from the drop-in service known as Pause. No appointment is necessary and the centre is located in Digbeth, close to the Bullring.
As part of additional support being offered in response to COVID -19 Forward Thinking Birmingham is offering Kooth, a free, digital counselling service to support young people’s emotional and mental health in Birmingham. We know young people have been worried about exams being cancelled and the impact of Covid-19 on their loved ones.
Kooth gives children and young people (11-25) the opportunity to access online counselling from qualified counsellors and Emotional Well-being Practitioner who are available 12 noon until 10pm Monday-Friday and 6pm-10pm on Saturday and Sunday, 365 days per year.