The History of Christ the King School
Christ the King Catholic Primary School first opened on 20th April 1936. There were 235 pupils on roll and only FIVE teachers working alongside the head teacher, Mr Howard.
In 2016 we celebrated the 80th anniversary of our school with lots of fun events - including a Mass for ex-pupils led by Archbishop Bernard and a tea party for the 80 year-olds in our parish.
Whilst researching the history of our school we were fortunate to have lots of photographs and an old school log book to help us piece together our journey through the past eight decades. Amazingly, in 83 years, the school has only had five different head teachers: Mr Howard, Mr Heskin, Mrs McLaughlin, Mr Hardy and Mrs Breslin - what an achievement (and a testimony to how much they love our school!)
We compiled some of our favourite photographs and had them made into a permanent display in our school hall to remind us of all that we have achieved and how far we have come:
Christ the King School 1926 - 2016
CTK Today
There are now over 400 pupils who attend Christ the King School each day and in our ‘Class Pages’ in the ‘Pupils’ arm of the signpost you can find out lots more about what we do in school.
Our Catholicity is given the highest priority throughout the whole school building - as you will see from the photographs below. In the Summer of 2019 we opened our new prayer garden which is named ‘Olu’s Garden’ in loving memory of Mr Olu Dosumu, our well-loved and respected chair of governors and Christ the King School’s biggest fan.