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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”



Here at Christ the King, we understand and value the importance of wellbeing and mental health.  We are trained in how to look out for the mental wellbeing for our pupils and staff and do what we can to support them.

Please click below to find advice

The National Sleep Helpline

Promoting healthy sleep in children

Uploaded by South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust on 2020-11-19.

ActivAll Play - What is mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises is part of a series of interactive games and lessons on the ActivAll Play channel from Anomaly UK. This video looks at what mindfulness is and how it benefits us.

ActivAll Play - Mindfulness exercises: Cloud watching

Mindfulness exercises is part of a series of interactive games and lessons on the ActivAll Play channel from Anomaly UK. Try this exercise to practice mindfulness!
