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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Class and House Saints

Room Saints


Each room in our school is named after a different saint or holy person and we ask these people to pray for us as our special friends in heaven:


                         Class 1-  St. Andrew                                                    Class 2 - St. David



                        Class 3 - St. Thomas                                                   Class 4 - St. Teresa of Calcutta



                    Class 5 - St. Kateri Tekawitha                               Class 6 - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini



                  Class 7 - St. Vincent de Paul                                          Class 8 - St. Teresa of Avila



           Class 9 - St. John Henry Newman                                        Class 10 - St. Chad 



                     Class 11 - St. Juan Diego                                       Class 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe



                Class 13 - Fr. Cornelius Tierney                                      Class 14 - St. Oscar Romero



House Points

To celebrate our achievements, we are awarded house points.

Our houses are named after the four patron saints of the British Isles:
St. Andrew (Scotland)

St. David (Wales)

St. George (England) and

St. Patrick (Ireland)

