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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Uniform Information

At Christ the King we are very proud of our uniform and many members of the general public often comment on how smart and well dressed our pupils are. We therefore wish to preserve this excellent reputation that our school enjoys. We believe that our uniform strengthens our school ethos and reinforces our strong Catholic identity. By coming to school in uniform our pupils are able to share in that sense of belonging and being a part of the school community. The school will always strive to ensure the highest standards of school uniform at all times.


Christ the King uniform can be purchased from either Trutex in Erdington;


71 High St



B23 6SA


or at Clive Marks in Boldmere;

11 Boldmere Road

Sutton Coldfield

B73 5UY 


All pupils, staff and parents will be made aware of the school expectations on uniform. This will be through the uniform policy, guidance in pupil and staff planners and the parent noticeboard. Reminders will be given from time to time in the school newsletter.


Staff are expected to set the example for pupils to follow in the manner in which they dress for work which should be suitable and appropriate for their role in school. Suitable clothing and footwear is expected for PE. All staff are responsible for supporting the school uniform policy.


Uniform Specification and Guidance


We expect all pupils at Christ the King to attend school clean, tidy and well presented in the correct school uniform. PE kit is part of the school uniform and can be worn to school on the day that your child has PE.

All uniform must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.


All pupils are expected to have the following:

● White collared shirt

● School tie

● School v-neck jumper or cardigan

● Light grey (not black or charcoal grey) trousers or shorts, skirt or pinafore dress

● Black shoes (not trainers)

● School Pupil planner (provided by the school)




PE Kit (to be worn to school on the day that your child has PE):

● School polo shirt

● Bottle green shorts or black jogging bottoms 

● Black pumps (trainers can be worn for outdoor PE and games)

● Swimming kit (Y4, 5 and Y6 pupils only for a given term)



Summer Uniform (not essential)




Nursery Uniform

-CtK polo shirt

-Light grey trousers (boys)
-Light skirt/pinafore (girls)



-Black joggers /bottle green shorts

-Black trainers/pumps

Please make sure your child can tie their own laces if they are wearing trainers with laces.




Please also ensure that your child comes to school with the appropriate outdoor clothing:
-coats, hats, gloves etc (all labelled) for cold/wet days
-sun hats etc (all labelled) for warm days (sun cream to be applied at home before coming to school).


