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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is based on the belief that God has a plan for His creation, a plan to build his kingdom of earth. We know that we all have a part to play in this plan. This isn’t just limited to spiritual things, but that it involves every aspect of our lives, from the things we pray about, to how we live as a responsible global citizens. We have a responsibility to play a part in the common good, a call to treat everyone as our brothers and sisters because God is our Father. 

The Catholic Church has seven principles of social teaching that we share with our children through all that we do, through the curriculum, special events, charitable works, activity and through our ordinary actions in school. 


We use the CST friends to help us...


Catholic Social Teaching Day (September 2023)

The children enjoyed a Catholic Social Teaching day. They completed lots of work and art-based activities depicting the ways in which we should look after God’s creation, using the CST principals. Through the introduction of child friendly characters of the each of the CST principals, the children discussed ways to bring about God’s Kingdom on earth.

We have been paying particular attention to the principal of ‘Human Dignity’, where the children met Luc the Deer.

The children loved singing the song about Luc the Deer-

“Can you hear what Luc the deer is telling us to see? Everyone is special; that’s human dignity.”

As part of the day, and with the help of some of our musically gifted teachers, the children have also selected a song to help us to focus our Mission Statement. The staff and pupils voted on their favourite Mission Statement ‘jingle’ (all very democratic at CtK!). It was a fine line, but the winning tune won with 52% of votes compared to 48%. Have no fear, you will soon be singing it alongside your children!

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