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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”



NameTerm Of OfficeAppointed byBusiness or Pecuniary InterestsGovernance Roles in other OrganisationsMaterial Interests arising from relationships between governors or between governors and staffAttendance Record 2024-25
Mrs J Fields (Chair 19/10/2022)21/03/2022-20/03/2026Foundation GovernorNoneNoneNone1/3
Mrs C Gutteridge (Vice Chair 19/10/2022)07/02/2022-06/02/2026



Trustee at New HeightsNoneNone1/3

Mrs M Breslin

-Ex officioNoneNoneNone 1/3
Vacancy  Parent Governor    0/3
Mrs C Madden31/01/2022-31/01/2026Staff GovernorNoneNoneNone1/3
Mrs R Fumarola09/02/2024-08/02/2028Parent Governor NoneNoneNone0/3
Mr Samuel Dosumu 

20/09/2024 - 19/09/2028

Foundation Governor NoneNone None1/3
Mrs Joanne Leci   

11/05/22- 10/05/2026

Foundation Governor NoneNoneNone1/3
Mr J McGorman08/11/2021-07/11/2025Foundation Governor Director and Trustee at New HeightsNoneNone1/3
Mrs M Savage05/05/2021-04/05/2025Foundation GovernorNoneNoneNone1/3
Mrs S Travis 15/11/2022 - 14/11/2026LA Governor NoneNoneNone0/3

Safeguarding Governor - Joanne Leci
