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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


March 24

Whole school event- Wear Purple for Lent day (1.3.24)


The whole school, children and staff, wore purple today as a sign that we are in Lent and to raise money for our Lenten fundraising. 

Look at the handmade t-shirts made by the family below. Very impressive work- they are really thinking about what Lent means. 

heart Today, we have raised enough money to feed 11 children- for a whole year- in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia! 

A2Z of Prayer- Jordan (2.3.24)

Children's reflections on our fundraising (3.3.24)


During our prayer services this Lent, we have been thinking about our Lenten fundraising and why we help those who need our help. Please read the reflections from pupils in response to our missionary work: 

Whole school fundraising- Crazy hair and hat day (8.3.24)


Another whole school fundraising day today and we raised enough money to feed another 11 children for a whole year. In Mass, we prayed for the hungry in Ethiopia and the work of Mary's Meals. 


heart We have supported 22 children (for a whole year) so far. 

AtoZ of Prayer- Kenya and International Women's Day (8.3.24)

Children's response to their Mission (11.3.24)


enlightenedA special mention to William (Year 3) who was so moved by the work of Mary's Meals that he has donated £19.15 of his own pocket money to feed a child for a year! What a kind and generous thing to do.


enlightened A special mention to Jessica (Year 3) who also was so moved by the work of Mary's Meals that she held her own cake sale at home and raised £40 by selling cakes to her family and friends. Thank you Jessica for your kindness. 


Both children demonstrating here the Gospel Virtues of compassion and generosity. 

Why should we raise money from Mary's Meals? (12.3.24)


Thank you to Year 6 for creating leaflets on why we should be supporting Mary's Meals this Lent.

Whole school pledge writing (13.3.24)


We have been working on writing Live Simply pledges as part of the mission of our Lenten Penitential Services. This Lent, the children, with the help of their families are all encouraged to write Live Simply pledges on hedgehogs. Some have been displayed in school so they can be used in assembly and the others are in the children's planners. The staff have written pledges too in staff prayers. This is supported by Penitential services, work on the Gospel Virtues and Catholic Social Teaching.

Living Simply: Invitations to our Easter Passion Play (14.3.23)


Living Simply by coming together as a whole school community and wider church/parish family to meditate on the passion and death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus. 

Whole School Assembly: Father Hudson's (14.3.24)


Kevin from Father Hudson's came into school today to talk about the work they do to support the homeless in Birmingham. In response, this Lent, we are going to work really hard to raise money to support this charity too. 

Whole School fundraising: 'Express yourself' (15.3.23)


In connection with our work on celebrating difference and supporting children's mental health, the children were given the opportunity to wear their own clothes to express their personality whilst raising money for our Lenten charities. 

heart We have supported 32 children (for a whole year) so far through Mary's Meals and a further £57.17 for Father Hudson's.

A2Z of Prayer: Liberia (18.3.24)

Year 2 Cake Sale (19.3.24)


Today, Year 2 sold donated and home made cakes to the parents, staff and children today to raise money for our Lenten fundraising charities. Thanks for all your support. Well done Year 2 for your fundraising today!

heart As a result of our efforts, 38 children will be able to eat for a year with the help of Mary's Meals and a total of £74.37 has been raised for Father Hudson's. 


Changes in response to our plan- more parish cake sales will take place after Lent as lots of the parish members are fasting in Lent so Father The suggested that we should carry this aspect of our fundraising over to after Easter. 

Parents' evening- More Live Simply actions (20.3.24 and 21.3.24)


More Live Simply actions underway (book swap, a cake Sale for Mary's Meals and a uniform swap).

heart Together we have raised enough money for 44 children to have food for a year and £115.43 for Father Hudson's. 

Whole School pyjama day (21.03.24)


Today, we had another whole school fundraiser for Mary's Meal and Father Hudson's today, where all the children wore pyjamas or comfortable clothes to raise money as one school community. Here is a picture of the children in one of our classes. 

Extra Action- Living in Solidarity: Assembly about the Philippines (21.3.24)


We are part of the our five year programme, supporting tree growing by the Higaonon indigenous people on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines. Today we launched the project with an assembly (KS1 and KS2) which focused on highlighting positive aspects of Filipino culture and beginning to learn about the country. More work will follow in school. 

Live Simply pledges in planners (22.3.24)


Thank you to the parents who attended the Penitential services and helped support their children to write pledges. The leaflet has been attached again for reference. Here are some comments from the recent services:

enlightened We enjoyed the mission task and thinking about what we can do together as a family to help the God’s world and His creation. (Zofia’s mum)
enlightenedIt was very special coming together in prayer and writing pledges together. We are going to work hard as a family to do this. (Alice’s mum)
enlightenedGoing to Penitential service with my child was very special. Thank you. (Eoughan’s mum)
enlightenedIt was a good idea putting the 'Pledgehogs' in the planner as we use the planner each day and we can remember to keep working on our pledges from now on. The leaflet with ideas was helpful. Thanks. (Phoenix’s mum)

Lenten fundraisers:


Year 5 completed a dance-a-thon for our Lenten fundraisers.

Year 6 completed a sponsored run with teachers around the local area. 

Year 1 Coin Trail (22.03.24)


The children in Year 1 have decorated envelopes to reflect our Lenten fundraising efforts and collected small change at home to create a coin trail around the playground. They are looking forward to seeing how far the coin trail can go whilst raising money for Mary's Meals and Father Hudson's. Look at their envelopes on their class prayer focus. 


Due to changeable weather, Year 1 moved their coin trail into the hall and together they created a trail that was 120 meters long! 

heart Amazing fundraising efforts! We have raised money so that 53 children can have food for a year and £163.33 for Father Hudson's. 

Year 4 Fundraiser- Sports events versus the teachers 


The children completed sports events against the teachers as their fundraiser. 

Reception fundraiser


Well done to reception for their sponsored dance fundraising activity.

heart A special mention to Harley-Ann and her family who raised £170 on her own for Mary's Meals! What a response to supporting our Global family around the world. 

Year 3 Gallery


The children in Year 3 created beautiful pieces of Artwork inspired by 'God's glorious creation'. The children created a gallery and invited parents to buy the pieces in support of our Lenten charities.

A2Z of Prayer- M is Malawi (25.3.24)

 Other learning this term 

Year 2- Science: Healthy me!

This half term, we have been thinking about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy
In our lessons, we took part in 
an exercise carousel - thinking about how exercise impacts our bodies in different ways. 

We also thought about how we can have a healthy, balanced diet. We sorted food items in different ways and then we worked in groups to create a healthy oat bar! 

We know that we should keep our bodies clean - we spoke about personal hygiene and how often we should wash our hair, change our clothes and brush our teeth. God wants his creation to be healthy and well.  


Other learning this term- Year 3

Forest Biome Trip to Sutton Park


The children ventured into Sutton Park on a Deciduous Forest Biome Scavenger Hunt based on their learning in Geography this half term. They were tasked with finding evidence that Sutton Park is part of a deciduous forest biome and checking it off on their list. This included looking for conkers, squirrels, foxes and deciduous leaves. The children also had time make their own leaf kebabs before we headed back to school with very tired legs! 

heart Wow! Fundraising total! heart


We raised £1,946.31 for Mary's Meal with £200 raised for Father Hudson's. 

Wow! We have raised enough for 101 children to be fed for a whole year!
