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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”



Welcome to our website! My name is Maria Breslin and I am the Head Teacher of Christ the King Catholic Primary School, a mainstream primary school in the heart of Kingstanding. Having been a member of the school for a number of years, I know what a fantastic place it is to be part of. We have a real sense of community, where everyone matters. Governors, staff, parents, members of the parish and of course, the pupils, all make Christ the King the outstanding school it is.


Our governors, parents, staff and Father Thé work hard together to ensure that our outstanding status, both academically and with regards to the religious and spiritual provision for our children, remains just that. We endeavour to ensure that our children receive the very best education based upon the firm foundations of the Catholic Church’s teachings. We continually aim to provide all of our children with as many opportunities as possible to help them to continue to grow in their journey of faith; make good choices, be confident, articulate, independent and responsible young people, whilst feeling safe and happy.


We hope that you will enjoy looking at our website and find out a little more about our school.


You are most welcome to visit our school and see for yourself all the lovely things that we do on a day to day basis. Please pop in and have a cup of tea and a chat. You will always be made welcome.

