Catholic Life and Mission
As Catholics, our mission is to build the Kingdom on earth inspired by the teachings of Jesus, making this world fit for everyone because we are all God’s children.
In our daily lives we are striving to continue the work that Christ taught us to do in order to make this world the way that God created it to be; therefore as educators we are forming and educating our children in the beliefs and values of Jesus by marinating our whole curriculum in them.
We are preparing our children to be saints - the people that God created them to be - by ensuring that we provide them with an outstanding education and offer them a wealth of opportunities and experiences to enable them to become good, happy people and have “fullness of life” (John 10:10).
In addition to exploring Catholic Social Teaching (see the ‘Charitable Outreach’ page for more information on this), the Gospel Virtues and British Values, we endeavour to develop our children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social, Vocational and Cultural understanding of themselves and the world by looking at situations through the eyes of Jesus.
Each year, in the Summer Term, we have a Mission Week where we focus on vocations, learn about other faiths and reflect upon how we are working to achieve our mission.
Our Mission Statement
At Christ the King School, our Mission Statement has always been the foundation for all that we do and it informs all of our school policies and rules.
We are called to build "God’s Kingdom we will build for our lives to be fulfilled.” We regularly spend time with our children reflecting on how we aim to achieve this (please see the ‘Mission and Aims' page in the ‘About Us’ section of the website to read our aims in full). The children have been actively involved in creating our school Mission Statement and we now even have a Mission Statement song.