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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”




Information and Documents


At Christ the King, we believe that it is vital for children to be numerate in order to participate fully in society and play an active role in the democratic processes that govern it. To this end, it is our intention to provide the pupils at Christ the King with the necessary experiences to enable them to become a part of the workforce for the good of themselves and the economy in this country. We recognise that it is important for every young person, regardless of their background, to have a rich and meaningful Mathematics education. With this in mind, our intention is to teach the full Mathematics curriculum to every pupil, providing them with regular and varied opportunities to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We aim to inspire all pupils towards achieving a deeper understanding in Mathematics alongside realising a greater feeling of enjoyment from learning in this curriculum area with a view to ultimately providing them with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead successful and fulfilled lives.

We recognise that children need to have secure knowledge of basic number facts as well as fluency in mathematical procedures. We also acknowledge that children need to develop their conceptual understanding in order for them to be able to solve more complex problems. Alongside this, it is our intention that all pupils are enabled to confidently communicate their learning, using precise mathematical language and, consequently, become well-rounded mathematicians.

To help realise our ambition at Christ the King, we are on a journey to embed the ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach. We strive to teach the pupils about the ‘Five Big Ideas’ in Mathematics and want them to leave Christ the King with a deep understanding and the ability to make clear connections with the world around them.

Providing opportunities for children to become both independent and collaborative learners is essential. Further to this, all staff at Christ the King work hard to develop the confidence and self-esteem of pupils throughout the school day. The teaching and acquiring of these soft skills is undoubtedly a focus of significant importance here in our community of Kingstanding and, as such, we ensure that it underpins our delivery of the Mathematics curriculum. All members of staff encourage pupils to believe that they can achieve and provide the support, scaffolding and challenge within lessons for them to do so. Importantly, through the ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach, we intend for all pupils to work towards meeting the same outcomes.




At Christ the King, we recognise that Maths is a life skill. It helps us to make sense of our world and prepares us so that we can tackle problems in the outside world.

We intend to provide a rich and meaningful Mathematics education through the teaching of mastery. We aim to provide children with opportunities to make links between their learning, resulting in the children gaining a much deeper understanding.

It is important that we provide the children with the correct knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead successful and fulfilled lives.



In order to successfully implement the mastery approach, teachers will be using Power Maths to support the planning process, ensuring all areas of Maths are being taught to a high level (fluency, reasoning and problem solving).

Classrooms are well-equipped with necessary resources to aid learning, including: base ten, place value counters, tens frames, double sided counters and more.

CPD has been provided to staff on the CPA approach and how these are to be used alongside one another to develop children’s understanding. Online resources have been purchased for reasoning and problem solving (I see Reasoning/Problem Solving, Classroom Secrets etc.).



Children will gain a deeper understanding of Maths as a result of this approach. They will become excellent independent and collaborative learners, be able to talk confidently and enthusiastically about their learning and have the suitable skills needed to support them throughout their life.

Examples of Working Walls

Examples of Books

Examples of Learning Journals
