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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Year One

We are reading...

Phonics Workshop

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our Phonics Workshop on Tuesday 19th November. We hope you found it useful. For any parents who weren't able to make it, feel free to download the resources we used. 



If you want to read some more great books, here are some suggestions...


In Year 1, we strive to improve our handwriting. We need to ensure children are forming all of their letters correctly. This means starting them in the right place on the line and ensuring they are formed in the right direction. Please use this sheet for practise and encourage correct formation at home, too. 

Bug Club

Your child can now access Bug Club by using the information on Pg11 of the school planner. We hope you enjoy reading these wonderful books!
