Activities at Home
Year 6 Weekly Newsletter - 6th July 2020
The questions below are for children to answer if they wish to be included in the book being organised by parents.
Year 6 Weekly Newsletter 29th June 2020
Pupils Joining St. Francis Catholic College Y7 September 2020
Dear Parents and Pupils,
Before the closure, children had been given boxes to take home to collect loose change in to fundraise for Fr. Hudson's Homes Good Shepherd Appeal.
The celebration Mass will take place this coming Monday (29th) and will be streamed live at 10am. Our pupils in school will watch and take part in this live stream and we would also like to invite our pupils at home to join in this lovely celebration.
Dan and Emily from One Life are providing the music and have purposely chosen a range of familiar and unfamiliar songs. You will find the Powerpoint Presentation with the lyrics below along with the link for the Mass which is being streamed live from St. Chad’s Cathedral Website.
It would be really lovely if our ‘Home Learners’ could join us all and participate in the Mass along with their peers in school.
Year 6 Newsletter for both Pupils and Parents - 22nd June 2020
Year 6 Newsletter for both Parents and Pupils - 15th June 2020
Letter from Bishop Walsh with activities to complete prior to joining in September 2020
Year 6 Newsletter 8th June 2020
Year 6 Newsletter 1st June 2020
Year 6 Newsletter 25th May 2020
Year 6 Newsletter 18th May 2020
Hello Year 6.
We hope you are all enjoying time at home as much as possible and keeping yourselves safe!
We hope you are continuing to do some work each day - whether it be through written work, on the internet, or even through physical activities e.g. baking could include Maths and English: reading instructions, weighing, measuring, ratio and time. You could then write your own instructions of how to follow your recipe for a friend.
It is great to see that some of you are using Mymaths, however we can see that only a very small number have completed any activities so far.
If you are struggling to logon and need some support, feel free to email us and we would be more than happy to assist you as much as possible.
Take care, God bless.
Year 6 team.
Hello Year 6,
We hope you have enjoyed a break for your Easter holidays (I know some have continued working through) and are ready to continue learning from home.
If you have not already seen, there is a great learning resource for you to use on the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons website. It covers a range of subjects and all activities are specifically for a chosen year group. It is great and also helps if you are struggling for ideas of what to look at next.
We shall be making phone calls home over the next couple of days to check that all is well and we look forward to hearing from you.
Please continue to forward any work that you would like us to see - we have been impressed so far. Some of the work we have been sent can be found on this page. Take a look!