Here is a slideshow compiled of photos of what we've been up to in the Autumn Term in Year 3. These photos cover some of our learning from English, Science, Maths, D.T, Art and more!
Our Top Ten Advent Books
The History Guy spent the day with Year 3 teaching us all about the Stone Age. We participated in a variety of amazing activities including archery, cave painting, skull examination, archaeological digs and even a hunt for a woolly mammoth! The children learned so much and now have a fantastic foundation to build their knowledge upon during their history lessons this term.
The hunt for a woolly mammoth

The hunt for a woolly mammoth

Our parents and carers visited our school and participated in the 'Live Simply' workshop where they learned more about our mission to live more simply and help the environment. We completed a range of activities together, including creating Bug Hotels, letters to local businesses encouraging them to be more environmentally friendly, writing prayers and even going litter picking!