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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Catholic Life

Our Y5 CTK Stewards:


Anna (Class 11)

Chizzy (Class 12)


Thank you for being fantastic role

models and ambassadors of faith. Keep up the great work!

Our Lenten Journey

Collective Worship

Lenten Fundraising: Sponsored Dance


Still image for this video
As part of our RE learning, we have been studying Baptism. We have read the Gospel accounts of the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. Miss Boyce’s friend, Miss Corr, was recently baptised in the River Jordan, in Nazareth. We had so many questions to ask her about her life changing experience!

Original Sin: Our Views!

The Season of Advent: Stay Awake. Be Ready!

We have now all randomly selected our Advent Buddies! We will pray for our buddies and try to spread the love, hope, joy and peace of this special season with them. We are already looking forward to the ‘big reveal’ on the last day of term when we will surprise our prayer friend with a special Christmas card. 

Our Class Prayer Bags

October: The Month of the Holy Rosary

Year 5 have been challenged with making their own Rosary beads at home. We will use these as we pray the Rosary together this month.


Sending our prayer intentions to the Lourdes Grotto!
