Over the last couple of weeks, we have been enjoying listening to different Christmas stories such as 'That's not my Santa' and 'Dear Santa'. We have been making links to geography by creating story strings and then making story maps. We have been practising our 'Tier 2' vocabulary from the stories, such as 'rough' and 'sparkly'. We are thinking about what we would like for Christmas and making Christmas decorations.
We have had a cheeky arrival to our elf! The elf keeps playing tricks on us and doing very funny things. We love talking about the elf and sharing what our elves at home are doing too!!
During our 'Forest School' we have been litter picking, collecting different types of leaves and using this to create our own Christmas decorations using ready to take home.
We are also practising our Christmas Nativity ready to show our family members. It has been very busy and exciting in Nursery.