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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Class 12's Stay and Pray 6.12.18

On the feast of St. Nicholas, we welcomed our family members into school to ‘stay and pray’ with us.
St Nicholas of Myra was a 4th century bishop in the area that we now call Turkey. He was famous for his generosity to the poor and protecting those people who suffered persecution.
Did you know that he was also a prolific miracle worker? Two of his most well-known miracles were when he appeared to sailors caught in a storm at sea and also when he raised three young boys from the dead.
Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands have the custom of making St. Nicholas the secret giver of gifts to children on his December 6th feast day and in the United States and in some other countries he is known as Santa Claus who distributes gifts to children on Christmas Eve.

St Nicholas teaches us to be compassionate towards others and to reach out to those that need our help so the mission that we set for Advent was to try to put the needs of others before our own and remember the true meaning of Christmas.
