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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”



The day the crayons quit!


This half term, we have been reading "The day the crayons quit!". In this story, each crayon writes a letter of complaint - some of them are complaining they are being used too much and need a break whilst others are moaning they aren't used enough!

We have been completing lots of writing activities based around this book. One objective that we have been focusing on is using expanded noun phrases. Expanded noun phrases make our sentences more interesting for the reader, they also add extra detail to our writing.




Help - our glue sticks are on strike!


This week, the strangest thing happened. We went to our glue tray to get our glue sticks out but they were missing... 
We searched everywhere, in the office, in the Y1 classrooms, even in the staff room - but the glue sticks were no where to be seen. 

A little later on, something caught our eye, we spotted the glue sticks hiding in a cupboard! They looked very sad and they had written us a letter to explain that they had gone on strike!

They were fed up their treatment and needed Year 2 to make things right.
We promised to treat our glue sticks better - we've even named them!

We enjoyed writing all about our day in our English books. 
