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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Important Message to Year 2 Parents

Dear All,


Following the closure of school today, 20th March 2020, here is a reminder of what we have asked the pupils to do while at home.


The purple book sent home can be used for your child to record any work they complete from the suggested activities/websites.


For ideas, look at our school website and click on - Children - Year Group Pages - Year 2 - Activities at Home. Also, complete work from the non-online activity sheet, which is stuck in the front of your child’s book. When possible, we will continue to update our pages on the website with new activities and resources, so please keep checking these.


N.B. At this time, there will be many visitors to our school website, and many other websites, so we ask you to be patient and keep persisting if webpages take longer to load than usual. You may wish to download and save documents to your computers, so that you will have access to them offline in the event that a website is running slowly.


In your child’s planner, on Page 11, you will find log-in details for Bug Club, Times Tables Rockstars and My Maths.


Oxford Owl (

Here you can access lots of books and spelling resources:


Click on the pink 'My class login' button at the top of the webpage and then enter the following details:


User name: class5ctk or class6ctk (depending on which Year 2 class your child is in)

Password: CTK2020


Times Tables Rockstars and My Maths will help your child with learning maths. On TT Rockstars, your children can set each other a battle in 'Rockslam'.


We also now have access for 60 days to Numbots

Here, the children use the same login as Times Tables Rockstars.


We would ask you to access these tasks daily with your child. The aim is for your child to complete about 3 hours of educational work each day. This is not a holiday but an enforced closure, so you must complete some school work.


The other work will help keep your child stay busy and, most importantly, keep them learning. We look forward to hearing and seeing all of your child’s knowledge when they return to school.


Remember, you can make up your own ideas for learning activities too. For example, if you read a book or watch a film you could write a review.


Finally, keep washing your hands, look after yourselves and each other and stay safe!


Thank you.


Miss Madden, Mr Keenan, Mrs France and Mrs Kane.


If you have problems with website log-ins only, please contact us via e-mail and we will respond as soon as we possibly can: or
