Dear parents,
Sadly we find ourselves again in a position where our school is closed and we are opening our doors only for children of critical workers and vulnerable children.
Following on from our message yesterday, we already have quite a list of people who have requested a place. However, in order to be fair to everyone, we now need to you to complete this official form.
Whilst we realise that the government guidelines state that school can offer places to children of critical worker families where only one parent is a critical worker, due to a high number of requests for a place, we find ourselves in a position where we are unable to support this. Due to the safety of all of our staff and students, at this moment in time, we are only able to offer a place to children who come from a family with two critical workers. Depending on how our spaces fill up, we may be able to offer places to families where only one parent is a critical worker.
As a community we all have a duty of care to each other, hence, if you are working from home, you are still able to provide care for your child, therefore you DO NOT need a place in school. This needs to be given to genuine cases, where parents have to travel to their workplace. Also, although some families may live in separate places, both parents have a responsibility to their children and should be the first port of call for childcare. (Or any other person within your support bubble).
Please complete the form below by 12.30pm today stating if you are a one or two parent critical worker family and what your role is. We will need you to provide evidence of this either in the form of an ID card or a letter from your employer, please send this to Please put ‘critical worker’ in the subject box.
I can confirm that we are a critical worker family (Please check the appropriate box) |
1 parent ☐
2 parents ☐
Please tell us about your role
(Type here) |
Please tick the days that you will require care (Please check the appropriate boxes) |
Monday ☐
Tuesday ☐
Wednesday ☐
Thursday ☐
Friday ☐
Please complete ASAP and return to
Mrs Breslin
Head Teacher