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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Whoping Cough

Dear Provider



Whopping Cough


We have been asked by our Public Health team to flag up important information in relation to a rise in Whopping Cough infections.


Whooping cough is a bacterial infection of the lungs and breathing tubes. It is very contagious and can be dangerous, especially to young babies.  There have been 8 deaths associated with whooping cough in England so far this year. To protect babies too young for these immunisations against severe complications, pregnant women should get the whooping cough vaccine. 


Pregnant women urged to get vaccines as three more babies die from whooping cough | ITV News


Please can you raise awareness to any parents in your setting and signpost to more information on how to access the Whopping Cough vaccine in Pregnancy.





Early Years and Childcare Service

Children and Families Directorate

Birmingham City Council

PO Box 17550


B2 2PA
