Welcome to Nursery!
Hello from Mrs Hollinsworth, Mrs Baker and Mrs Barr
CTK is a 52 part time place Nursery, accepting 26 children for 5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions each school week. Our ethos is the importance of the whole child. Their social and emotional development is as important as their mathematical and literacy ability. Each child's starting point is different and we pride ourselves on nurturing their individual needs in all areas whilst fostering independence, and having lots of fun. A happy child is a confident child, who is hungry to learn.
We are passionate about the outdoor environment as research has proven that physical development is paramount to healthy neurological development, directly impacting on their ability to learn. We have waterproof ponchos and ensure children have their own wellies as we are out in all weathers; in our garden, playground or by our outdoor cabin. We address all seven areas of learning and have intervention groups to support those who struggle so that all children flourish. Communication and language support is highly prioritised as we know how vital it is to well being and learning:
Children who can't listen, can't speak.
Children who can't speak, can't read.
Children who can't read, can't write!
Children are given the freedom to explore and investigate, are challenged and are offered ideas to extend their play and learning experiences with a focus on developing independence. We have great relationships with our parents so that we have a shared partnership in nurturing OUR children.
If you require information about our Nursery admissions' criteria or our Open Day, please contact the school office on 0121 464 9800.