Our Learning - Autumn
The children have had a great time learning our next Nursery rhyme, Incy Wincy Spider. As part of Science week we explored water timers, using language linked to capacity such as full and empty. We linked this back to the rhyme, talking about how the water washed out of the water spout just like it drips down in the water time bottle. We used different collage materials to create spiders webs, talking about the texture and appearance saying words such as “sticky” “criss cross” and “sparkly”.
To link with our learning about the Nursery rhyme Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, this week we have used these different body parts to take part in bikeability sessions. Have a look at the photos on our main Nursery page. We also learnt which body parts can help us balance during our P.E session where we completed an obstacle course, travelling over and jumping off a bridge. We also completed body jigsaws by naming and sticking different body parts in the right place. The children could recognise and say things such as “two arms” “one nose”.
This week we listened to and sung the Nursery rhyme The Wheels on The Bus. The children loved exploring different vehicles, talking about the differences in size as well as speed. We talked bout our experiences of travelling on different transport and recreated these outside by making large scale buses and cars to sit in. The children loved exploring a small world car wash using toothbrushes and sponges to clean the wheels and other parts of the vehicles.
The children sang and learnt the words to Five Currant buns this week. We then thought of other foods we could buy from the shop and tried to write shopping lists. We loved drawing pictures of our favourite foods and worked with a teacher to listen for and write initial sounds.