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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”



Announcing "P.E with Joe" | Daily LIVE workouts for kids | The Body Coach

Starting Monday 23rd March at 9am, Joe Wicks is going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on his YouTube channel.

5 Minute Move | Kids Workout 1 | The Body Coach TV

Active 8 Minute Workout 2 | The Body Coach TV

Active 8 Minute Workout 3 | The Body Coach TV

Active 8 Minute Workout 4 | The Body Coach TV

5 Minute Move | Kids Workout 5 | The Body Coach TV

WOW Active Challenge Cards


Can you complete each exercise on the WOW Active Challenge Cards on 6 different occasions using the correct technique? 

Useful websites
