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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”



Happy Easter, Year 2!

Weekly Worship 1 with Dan and Emily from One Life Music!

This is the first of a series of Liturgies and Song to be shared and used in your homes and schools to bring us closer to God and one another during this time.

Weekly Worship & Song 2 - Good Friday with Dan and Emily from One Life Music!

The second in a series of Worship and Song with Dan and Emily for the home and school. This particular episode would be most suitable to share on Good Friday.

Weekly Worship & Song 3 with Dan and Emily from One Life Music!

The third in the series of Weekly Worship and Song with Dan and Emily for school and the home. #Easter2020 #JesusHasRisen #OneChurchatHome

Weekly Worship & Song 4 with Dan and Emily from One Life Music!

We are really pleased to share the fourth in the series of Weekly Worship and Song. #TheRoadToEmmaus #OneChurchatHome #Easter2020

Weekly Worship & Song 5 with Dan and Emily from One Life Music!

Week Five of the Weekly Worship & Song Series is a continuation of Week fours Gospel The Road to Emmaus.

Weekly Worship & Song 6 with Dan and Emily from One Life Music!

The Fourth Sunday of Easter was #GoodShepherdSunday also know as #VocationsSunday. This weeks Liturgy invites us to answer Gods call to be a Gift to the World.

30 Day Lego Bible Challenge - grab some Lego and get building!

Prayers to be known in Year 2


These are the prayers that should be learnt in Year 2. Say these prayers each day, so that you can continue to learn them at home.


You could also practice your handwriting by writing these prayers into your purple home learning books or write prayers of your own.

Gospel Virtues


How will you continue to show the Gospel Virtues at home with your families?

Holy Week 2020



We love every week that we spend in school, but Holy Week is extra special.


Please complete the following tasks to take your family on this extremely special journey from Palm Sunday to Good Friday and the resurrection of Jesus, Our Saviour.


  • Read the story of Palm Sunday. Make a palm leaf - write on the palm leaf how you are going to try and be more like Jesus this week.
  • Share with your family the story of the Last Supper - have a meal together talking about how Jesus and the disciples would have felt knowing this was their last meal.
  • Read the story of Good Friday - create a prayer service for people at home to remind them of the importance of Jesus dying on the cross. Remember - purple is an important colour during this time. Take photos of your prayer areas so we can see the artefacts you chose. Maybe make your own cross for the focal point - use lego, paint or whatever your creative minds come up with.
  • Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter - spend time with the people who you love. Make cards to remind everyone the importance of this day. 

Lent 2020

What's your goal this Lent? | CAFOD

Lent 2020: Some things are too precious to lose | CAFOD

Some things are too precious to lose Lent Appeal 2020

Our Lent Family Fast Day talk 2020 | CAFOD

CAFOD Lent 2020 prayer: God of all wholeness | CAFOD

Find more prayers to inspire you this Lent:
