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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Religious Education

Dan and Emily's Song - Come Live in Us

This hymn is dedicated to all those children who would of normally been preparing to receive Holy Communion for the first time and are now waiting in hopeful...

Let’s Pray a PASTA prayer: 
Praise Ask Sorry Thank You Adore Select a different letter to choose what type of prayer to focus on. Remember to give the children opportunities to decide what sorts of prayer they want to use. 
Understanding Others and Appreciating Differences: 
Discuss how their family is different to other people’s families. Discuss whether all families are the same? Does it matter? Do all families have the same faith? Do all families worship in the same way? 

Holy Week

Many churches are live streaming their daily Masses. Use the link below and experience Holy Week through spiritual Communion.

Dan and Emily's Weekly Prayer Service:
