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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Self Isolation Home Learning: December 2020

Important Information

Dear Parents, 


It is a government requirement that we are able to provide feedback on the work that children are completing at home whilst we are self-isolating. Please remember that the children should be completing a MINIMUM of three hours work a day.  

The best way to facilitate this is for you to email us photographs of the children’s work, once a week. Please send these emails on Monday 7th December and Friday 11th December 2020: 

Class 13: 

Class 14: 

We will then reply with feedback.  


Thank you for your continued support.


We are missing you all! Keep smiling, Year Six!

Needles by Brian Bilston

We love this poem by our focus poet, Brian Bilston. Are you inspired to write your own shape poem? 

Wednesday 9th December: Money Project

Carol Service : Please learn the song words for when we return to school.

Tuesday 8th December

Monday 7th December

Hymns for the Advent Retreat with Dan and Emily

Advent of Christmas Books - War Game

Year Six Newsletter

Thursday 3rd December 2020

Prologue- The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch
