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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


National Space Day - 1st May 2020

  National Space Da

Friday 1st May is National Space Day. Each year on the first Friday of May, scientists and space enthusiasts gather together to celebrate Space Day.

The day was created to observe the many wonders of the unknown space that our planet, and plenty of others, floats in. It encourages children to take an interest in the scientific field of space travel.

Why not have a look at some of these fabulous activities to get you excited about the solar system, space travel and what it is like to be an astronaut. Remember to ask an adult to send any photos over to us.

Outer Space - A Beautiful World



Space stories

Read space stories together or use non-fiction texts to find out about space. Some stories include: “Whatever Next” by Jill Murphy, “Man on the Moon (A day in the life of Bob)” by Simon Bartram and this interactive story from Twinkl called “The Girl Who went to Space”:


Earth (pdf)

Space (pdf)


Planets, Sun, Moon, Earth and Stars Solar System Super Song


Balloon Rocket (Taken from the book “This is Rocket Science” by Emma Vanstone)

You will need:

  • Balloon
  • Felt tips pens
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • Small bottle
  • 10 tea spoons of vinegar

1. Blow up the balloon a little and let the air out. This allows the balloon to expand   more easily when the gas from the chemical reaction enters it.

2. Draw a rocket on the balloon using a felt tip pen. This is easiest to do when the balloon is blown up but don’t tie the end of the balloon.

3. Place the baking soda in the bottle followed by the vinegar, and then quickly place   the balloon over the opening.

You should be able to see baking soda and vinegar react as lots of bubbles appear. The bubbles are carbon dioxide, which is released in the    neutralisation reaction between the baking soda and vinegar.

The carbon dioxide produced will first fill the bottle and then the balloon making the size increase.


Balloon- Powered Moon Buggy (Taken from the book, “This is Rocket Science” by Emma Vanstone)

You will need:

  • Straws
  • Axles
  • Wheels (jar lids, milk bottle tops or old CDs- just make sure you have 4 of the same.)
  • Something for the body of your buggy (recycled cardboard)
  • Tape
  • Small rubber band
  • Balloon

1. Cut two straws so they are about 15mm shorter than the axles and push the axles inside the straws.

2. Cut a piece of card so it is narrower than the axles and attached them together by taping over the straws.

3. Once you’ve built the frame, use a small rubber band to attach the balloon to the end of a straw. You then need to tape the straw to the top of the buggy.

4. Blow the balloon up by blowing into the straw, place the buggy on the floor, let go and watch it move. If it doesn’t work, it might be too heavy, so try to make it lighter.


