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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Summer 2

Here are some of the books we will study this half term:

Growing vegetables - 14 weeks later

After lots of sun and rain, the children were excited to see what vegetables had grown. They enjoyed picking the peas and tasting them and then digging up the potatoes.

"The peas tasted good!" (Tommy)

"We have to wash the potatoes before we eat them and cook them." (Karson)

Special visitor - Police Officer

As part of our work on 'People who help us', we were very lucky to have a visit from a Police officer. The children were very excited to learn about all the equipment they use and had an amazing time exploring the police car and hearing the sirens. Thank you for coming into see us. 

As part of our work on 'Understanding the World', the children enjoyed a visit from zoologist Dr James McKay and his animals. The children were amazed to see a black scorpion suddenly glow in the dark when a torch was shone on it and hear a cockroach hiss to make predators think it is a snake. They also had the opportunity to stroke a tenrec, a baby barn owl and a baby ferret, which was rather smelly! 

As part of our work on the story of 'Going on a Bear Hunt', we made jam sandwiches. We then visited the garden and had a picnic before acting out the story. The children are developing their life skills by preparing their own sandwiches. Good spreading of the butter or jam with a knife. 

As part of our Spanish day celebrations, we came dressed in the colours of Spanish speaking countries, learnt a Spanish dance and collaged/coloured the flag of Spain. We even practised saying hello and goodbye in Spanish and counting to 10. The churros were so tasty!
