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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Whole School Mass led by Class 12 8.2.19

Today, we led mass in front of the whole school in the church. We celebrated the life of St. Jerome Emiliani who was born in Venice in 1486. After his father's death, Jerome ran away from his home. He became a soldier in Venice and was captured on August 27, 1511, by Venetian forces. While imprisoned in a dungeon, he prayed to Our Lady for help, and he was miraculously freed by her apparition. St. Jerome hung his chains on a church wall as an offering.

St. Jerome Emiliani lived the rest of his life dedicated to the service of the poor, the sick, and abandoned children. In 1518, he was ordained as a priest and in 1532 he founded a congregation, which was dedicated to educating children, especially orphans.

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