Candy/ Chocolate Resources
Thinking Hats- Linked to Sweets/ Chocolate
Sweets Related Resources
Here are some 'sweet' suggestions...
- Gather data from friends from family to find out which candy is the most popular. You couod present your findings in a line graph, a bar chart or even a pie chart.
- Design your own 'Ultimate Candy'. Consider the ingredients, the price etc. Maybe you could plan and deliver a short television advertisement or create a poster? Remember to use lots of descriptive language and persuastion. Look at the clips below for inspiration!
Design and Technology/ Maths Task
You will need cocktail sticks and small jelly sweets (Midget Gems are particularly good for this task!). Look at the images below to give you an idea of how to join the sweets and sticks to create shapes and structures.
- Use your tools to create a range of 3D shapes.
Make a table to record the names, number of faces, edges and vertices (corners).
- Challenge: Can you build any structures or buildings?
- Super Challenge: Can you recreate any famous landmarks?

Chocolate Related Resources
Ideas Linked to the Cadburys Gorilla Advert
Imagine you are the director of the advert, what notes would you write? Consider the camera angles and how focus/ zoom is used for effect.
Why do you think Cadburys chose this as advert?
Do you think this advert is a good one? Explain your thinking.
Imagine you are invited to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Room! What do you see? Write a diary entry based on your experience.
Write a blog based on a day at Willy Wonka's Factory. Remember to use informal language.
Imagine you are Mr or Mrs Gloop. Write a letter of complaint to Mr Willy Wonka about your son, your Augustus, being sucked up the pipe!