Autumn 1
Autumn Term Overview
Here are the books we will study this half term...
Nursery read 'Elmer the Patchwork Elephant'. We talked about how Elmer was different and why being different makes you special. Nursery created an enormous patchwork elephant of their own to remind them that it doesn't matter if we are different to our friends. We also looked at all the different colours we could see and tried to name them!
Black History Month
This week, the children found out about the fastest man in the world, Usian Bolt! We talked about his achievements and why he is so special. The children discussed what they were really good at whilst making their own golden medal to take home. We had lots of fun trying foods from Jamaica. Our number this week was zero.
Super Duper You
The children loved reading the story 'Super Duper You'. We talked lots about what we look like, who is in our family and our homes. The children chose a friend to make out of playdough which was lots of fun. All children were able to describe their friend very well and why they enjoy playing with them. Our number this week was one! Here are some photos from the week:
The Colour Monster
The children read the story 'The colour monster'. This helped us learn our colours and our feelings. We talked about what makes us happy, sad and angry. We began sorting items based on their colours and how they felt. We even made our own monsters using playdough! Our number this week was two.
Room on the Broom
We had a spooky week reading Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. The children really enjoyed making their own wand and chose how they wanted to decorate it. We made our own potion in a witch's cauldron and the children discussed what they could see, hear and smell. We worked hard on our counting by counting creepy spiders with our teachers.