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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”



Autumn Curriculum Overview

Talking Turkeys (Recital)

This term, we have enjoyed reading...

Our Writing Gallery: Peer Editing

Learning about the Ancient Maya through VR!

Hitting the Headlines at the National Space Centre

Still image for this video

Into University Workshop

Glow in the Dark Sports Festival

The Fibonacci Challenge: Which Y5 class can calculate the largest number in the sequence?

Poetry Recitals : The Grinch

Black History Month

Poetry Bag Fun!

Our school council representatives shared their manifestos and took questions from Year 5

The Great CTK Bake Off!

Participating in discussions based on what we have read

Learning and sharing facts about Space... What can we remember?

Maths Problem Solving...

Creating colour wheels to reflect our knowledge of primary, secondary and tertiary colours

RHSE - Exploring themes in Only One You book

Investigating fingerprints ...We are ALL unique!

PE: Outdoor Adventure Activities

Sharing positive affirmations about ourselves and others
