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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Our Learning - Autumn term 2

This term our learning theme is Light and Dark as well as Celebrations. We will be reading the following books to help us with our learning.



The children loved visiting a very festive Adventure Grove this week. We have been creating lots of Christmas crafts In Nursery too including Jingle Bells sticks and Christmas crackers with a treat inside! We are working hard to follow instructions and work independently when we can. As part of our Literacy learning we have been learning a poem called ' 'Chop Chop'. If you would like to practise with your child at home the words are: 


Chop, Chop, Choppity Chop.


Cut off the bottom and cut off the top.


What there is left, we put in the pot.


Chop, Chop, Choppity Chop.


We explored 'chopping' different things like spaghetti whilst saying the words in the poem. What can you chop at home with help from a grown up?

Winter is here! The children were interested to see the changes in the weather this week at Nursery. We explored the ice and frost in the garden, using our fingers to mark make, investigating all the sounds and textures! We read the story Squirrel's Snowman by Julia Donaldson that linked well with the weather we were experiencing. We also started to learnt about Advent, talking about our advent wreath and what the different coloured candles represent. We worked hard to collage and paint pasta wreaths to decorate the Nursery. Despite the cold weather, the children were resilient at building dens outside. They used positional language as they stacked bricks "on top" and went "under" or "inside" their dens.

We continued with our learning theme of Celebrations as learnt about Weddings this week. We talked about different wedding traditions and the meaning of everlasting love symbolised in wedding rings. We explored different parts of a church, knowing that we can ask Jesus to help people get married too. We learnt the Bible story, The Marriage Feast at Cana, where Jesus turned the water into wine. We explored tipping and pouring to recreate this. Can you see us in our wedding clothes? We loved role-playing a special wedding day. 


Christ the King Day was another success this week! The children made crowns, Christmas decorations and bought toys, treats and chose a lucky dip bag, created by their friends. It was a fun day where we celebrated with dancing and games. 

This week we read the story Postman Bear by Julia Donaldson. We talked about our own experiences of birthday celebrations and made playdough cakes to represent this. We also had fun celebrating Diwali by making Diwa lamps out of clay. Look at all our beautiful creations. We sang "This little light of mine" as we thought about the festival of lights. To follow on with our learning of Postman we mixed different paint colours to make brown and painted bear faces using different tools such as brushes and forks.

We loved learning about the story Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. We created magic wands and enjoyed waving them whilst saying different spells! We folded paper to create broomsticks and added glitter to make them look magical. We were able to retell parts of the story with an adult, naming characters and talking about their good or bad personalities. 
