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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Week Commencing 25.01.21

Please join us at: 


Thursday at 9.30 am: CAFOD Assembly: ‘Water of Life’


Friday at 9.30 am: Fr. Michael White's Mass from St. John the Baptist, Tamworth.

Stay healthy at home with the

‘Commonwealth Challenge’!

Did you know that in 2022 the Commonwealth games are taking place in Birmingham?

Starting today, you and your families are being challenged to complete a virtual journey from Australia to Birmingham. Here’s what you have to do:


Step 1: Get active for 15 minutes at home. To help you out with this, the link below gives some ideas for fun activities you can do.

Step 2: Cross-off the relevant day to get you one step closer to winning sports equipment for your school and a Love2Shop voucher for you and your family

Step 3: Once completed, please submit this to: and also email it to your class teacher.


We hope that you enjoy keeping fit and active as well as learning about the countries and cultures of the Commonwealth!


Home Learning Superstars!


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